True or False? What do you Know about Direct Mail?
Are you letting what you think you know about direct mail drive your decisions to incorporate direct mail into your marketing initiatives? Here we dispel some common myths about direct mail.
Direct Mail and Direct Marketing are the same thing.
False. Direct mail and direct marketing are not one in the same, although they are definitely related. While the definition of direct marketing has changed as touchpoints and technology have evolved, direct marketing is communicating to or with customers for the purpose of eliciting a response. Although many people associate direct marketing with direct mail, direct mail is only one of several possible channels used in direct marketing. Email, mobile, radio, TV, magazines and newspapers, telephone, even bill inserts and match books are all forms of direct marketing.
Direct Mail has a low response rate.
False. The 2015 Direct Marketing Association (DMA) Response Rate Report indicated that direct mail outperformed all digital channels combined, by nearly 600%. Based on a survey of nearly 500 industry respondents, direct mail achieved an average 3.7% response rate with a house list and a 1% response rate with a prospect list. All digital channels combined achieved only a .62% response rate.
Direct Mail can’t be personalized.
False. How personal you want to get is limited only by the data you have. With your database and variable data printing, direct mail has the potential to include customized content, graphics, and calls to action so that each piece fits your target audience and addresses each recipient in a unique and personal way. You can even include personalized URLs (purls), which contain the recipient’s name in a web address, to know exactly when they visit your site.
Direct Mail is expensive.
False. If done correctly, direct mail is very cost-effective. For the first time in almost 100 year, the USPS reduced mail prices in the spring, resulting in a savings of approximately 4.3% on across all types of mail and sort levels. And while the cost per message delivered is more, response rates to direct mail are higher than other channels (see #2). There are definitely ways to avoid unnecessary expense when it comes to direct mail. List targeting is essential so that you are mailing to the people to most likely buy from you. Marketers who don’t pay attention list hygiene will waste money by mailing to individuals who have moved, are deceased or have addresses on file that are undeliverable.
Don’t let misconceptions keep you from executing one of the most effective channels of direct marketing. Contact a Redi-Mail Direct mail expert today to learn more. Redi-Mail…Delivering Exceptional Value.